Olga Popcova
Olga Popcova is a member of the Marketing Communications Team
at RENAM, the Research and Educational Networking Association
of Moldova, and has been engaged in the EaPConnect project's
communications activities since March 2018, supporting and promoting
RENAM infrastructure and services to research and academic users / stakeholders.
Olga graduated in mathematics from Moldova State University in 2001 and earned a MSc in computer science from Moldova State University in 2002. From 2001 to 2006 she was a teaching assistant at Moldova State University. In 2002 she joined the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (Chisinau, Moldova) as an engineer-programmer, then in August 2008 as a junior scientific researcher. From June 2012 she was a scientific researcher.
Olga also obtained a diploma as an Advisor in Intellectual Property from the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova in 2009. She participated in 15 national and international projects and is the author of 27 scientific publications. Her research interests are knowledge engineering and computer-aided systems.