Peter Bogatencov
Peter Bogatencov is Deputy Executive Director of RENAM, the
Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova,
and a Member of the RENAM governing Council since 1999.
Peter is a specialist in information and communication technologies, optimisation of data processing technologies, network virtualisation, securing of networks and information systems operation; operation of distributed computer systems; application of grid and HPC facilities for complex applications development and execution. He is the local coordinator for a number of EC projects, including: GÉANT3, 3plus and 4, VI-SEEM, HP-SEE, SEERA-EI, and SEEGRID-SCI, and is executive manager of NGI_MD. He is responsible for National Computing infrastructures operation and development, he represents Moldova in the GÉANT Association and other professional societies. He is author of more than 230 publications and has given more than 100 presentations at conferences and international forums. He was awarded Honorary Diplomas by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Peter graduated from the Technical University of Moldova in 1975 and in 1991 he received his PhD in distributed computing and networks from the Technical University. In 1993 he confirmed his doctor’s degree in the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.