Moderator: Grigori Saghyan (Internet Society of Armenia)
Cybersecurity issues today concern us all - both service providers and all users of these services. But in the countries of the Eastern Partnership there is an ambiguous perception of this concept, the term Information Security is often used, which includes cybersecurity, the rest, which probably refers to actions to protect users from dangerous content.
The existing definition of cybersecurity by ITU is based on the consensus of different points of view, which makes it difficult to use in everyday life. The most practical is the definition of ISO - ensuring the operability of cyberspace, which contains a new concept - cyberspace. The definition of cyberspace uses the concept of the Internet, through which computers and people communicate with each other and with each other, and the concept of content is not used here.
Is it possible to develop a cybersecurity landscape when this concept is not defined by law or does not coincide with internationally recognized definitions? Is it possible to combine measures to ensure the operability of cyberspace and measures to protect users from dangerous content? What tools are there to ensure cybersecurity - CERT / CSIRT, staff, population training, government regulation, others? Is it possible to create a state CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) whose guidance is mandatory for all private and public sectors and structures recognized as critical infrastructures? What should CERTs be - managed from one centre, or are industry independent CERTs needed?
Pierre-Henri Cros (Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier) Slides
Lilya Budaghyan (University of Bergen) Slides
Magdalena Rzaca (GÉANT) Slides
Gevorg Margarov (National Polytechnic University of Armenia)